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A Typical Day


Arrival, Greeting, Free Choice Activities.

All children are cared for in the Sharks classroom.


Children separate into classrooms - Free play

8:30 am

Arrival of morning preschoolers

9:00 am

Snack Time


Academic /Art Activities based on the age and developmental levels of each class ie. Circle Time, Story Time, Art, Work Sheets, Cutting, Drawing, Painting

10:15 am

Clean up, diaper changes and toileting, getting ready to go outside

10:45 am

Outdoor Playtime


End of Morning Program, morning preschoolers go home


Prepare for Lunch - diaper changes and toileting, wash hands and get lunches


Lunch is ending, diaper changes and toileting, preparing for nap


Children lay down on their cots to nap

1:15 pm

Older children that are not asleep, go outside or go to the Grizzlies room to play quietly.


Children begin getting up from nap, putting blankets and stuffed animals in their cubbies, diaper changes and toileting


Afternoon Snack, followed by outdoor play time. The time spent outdoors depends on the weather and the amount of sun light. At some point in the late afternoon the children will come in and do some quiet activities until closing time

6:00 pm The Center Closes

*All of the times are approximate. Each classroom will "fine tune" its' schedule based on the different age groups, their maturity and independence. Many of the younger children are not toilet trained, therefore toileting takes time from their morning class time. Their attention spans are shorter, etc. The older children may need more time for their activities, to better prepare them for kindergarten.

Your child's health and safety, emotional well being, educational and social growth have always been our primary concern.

Preschool Teacher and Students
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